purposeful learning

Knowing exactly what I’m learning and why will directly impact my engagement as a student in the same way that knowing where I’m going and why I’m going there makes me a more engaged traveller - I am free to focus my cognitive resources on the destination - the purpose of learning.

The autonomy that comes with understanding the ‘how’ of learning creates an additional impetus and motivation for actively engaging with the learning process.

I work with students to model the tools for finding purpose in their learning, and teach them how to transfer this framework to all learning including subjects they are not naturally motivated by.

contact me to learn more or book a coaching session.

optimal learning state

When students are excited by a subject this is reflected in their physicality - body language, eye gaze and the release of specific neurotransmitters including Dopamine and Acetylcholine.

In this state students are emotionally and cognitively ‘primed’ to take in, comprehend and connect new information with prior knowledge. This is enhanced by an understanding of how to optimise their ‘equipment’ - brain modes, working memory, focus and concentration.

I teach students, (and their parents, and schools), how to create this state at will for all subjects and become active drivers of the learning process, both in the classroom and when consolidating knowledge at home.

contact me to learn more or book a coaching session.